Janet Smith

Janet in 'The Birthday Party' by Harold Pinter

Playwright and Author

Writing Murder Mysteries, Plays for Kids, Sketches, Comedies, Short Plays, One-act, Monologues and Drama

My scripts been performed in all kinds of venues, from windy, muddy tents at festivals, to churches, to village halls, to schools, to libraries – oh and theatres! They’re written to be staged as simply and inexpensively as possible. Some are also adapted for podcast and radio.

If a character needs a gender change to suit your casting requirements (I know that men are in short supply in amdram circles!), then do contact me, and I’ll happily take a look to see what I can do.

My radio play ‘The Man in the Moon’ on R4 was a Radio Times ‘Pick of the Week’, and short stories broadcast on radio. I’m a reviewer for ‘Sardines’ magazine.

After your production, do please send feedback, and photos, via Scripts for Stage. We’d love to see them!


Works by this Author