Looking for Sketch and Comedy Skit Scripts for Stage?

Here are all of our Comedy Sketches and Skit Scripts for Theatre Groups, Drama competitions, Drama Clubs, Schools, Colleges, Youth Groups and Theatre Schools in one place for you to browse, read in full online and download instantly in both PDF and Docx formats. Be sure to either use our search engine to narrow down 'performed to' or read in full before you buy; the content may not be suitable for younger audiences.  Length and number of characters can vary so you might find it easier to go here and use the search engine on the right of the page to narrow down your search. If you're looking for longer one-act or full length comedy scripts, you'll need this page.

These are short comedy sketches and skits for stage or indeed, any other use.

(Narrow the scripts down by run-time, number of characters etc. by using our search engine. Or to find something completely different!)


Looking for something else? Try our Script Search Page.